Each education and training workshop will involve:
- Negotiation audit (needs analysis): Prior to the workshop each participant will complete a ‘negotiation audit’ involving a needs analysis of both the negotiation context and participants negotiation competencies.
- Training based upon the Harvard Program on Negotiation training framework: Your presenter completed the Harvard PON ‘Teaching Negotiation in the Organisation’
- World Class Negotiation Teaching: SPANS draws upon Case Studies, Simulation Exercises and teaching materials from the world-renowned Harvard PON and Kellogg DRRC programs to ensure clients benefit from the some of the most recent and innovative international negotiation teaching resources
- Reading material: Each participant will receive a training workbook and recommended text prior to the workshop.
- Interactive training: The workshop format promotes participant interaction during presentations, providing practical, hands on, experiential learning. The workshop also involves peer and trainer feedback as part of an interactive process that provides participants with a mechanism for evaluating and managing their own negotiation strengths and weaknesses.
- Multi-media presentations: The workshop’s interactive training will involve computer generated audio-visual presentations.
- Negotiation Mapping: When training is tailored as a preparatory negotiation activity, each participant will leave the education and training course with a detailed ‘negotiation plan’ or blueprint they have developed during the training workshop in preparation for the Negotiation process. This plan will provide negotiators with a road map to guide them through the negotiation process. The blueprint will be developed as part of the training interactive negotiation tactical or ‘war gaming’ learning approach
- Draft Agreement: Draft agreements may be developed during those workshops tailored in preparation for an actual negotiation. This process prepares clients with a clear understanding of what thei negotiation objectives are and how they are to be delivered. The draft agreement will clearly identify, and articulate client needs and objectives and the terms and conditions required to meet those objectives. The draft then acts as a framework to be ‘fleshed out’ during the negotiation process to ensure negotiations do not stall at the precipice of agreement and are brought effectively to closure with durable agreements based upon mutually acceptable fair standards.
- Development of the Negotiation Team: The workshop exercises may also incorporate the development of the negotiation team based upon the identification, understanding and assignment of team roles according to the specific needs identified in the negotiation plan.
- Negotiation modelling and tactical gaming: ‘Negotiation modelling’ may also form part of the action learning exercise involving a more tailored training process of simulation and practice to test the negotiation theories, strategies and plans developed by the participants. This simulation exercise will also provide participants with the opportunity to ‘role play’ team assignments as a means of testing their aptitude or strengths for particular roles. Aligned to a tactical or ‘war’ gaming approach, this process develops and tests the negotiation plan while building team synergy.
- Collaborative Negotiation training: Based upon current research, this training module complements the traditional negotiation training framework as a means of developing a clients ability to build a collaborative enterprise, network or work across organisational, professional and cross functional boundaries. This training is particularly suited to organisations wishing to build their collaborative competencies to grow and harness the innovation and resources of organisational networks. A comprehensive training package, this model employs organisational network analysis as part of the training delivery and evaluation